Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Automatic Millionaire

If you've ever thought you could never be wealthy, or never have money, or maybe even never retire...then this is the book for you.

David Bach has written an amazing book. You can see more at David Bach's website.

He shows how even someone on a fixed income who honestly doesn't make anywhere NEAR a six figure income, and still end up rich. And the sooner you start, the better!

After reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" I started browsing the financial advice section of my local book store.

There is a very definite change in your perspective and outlook after learning about how creating money and becoming one of the wealthy really works. You can't help but think about life, working and money differently. And once you start thinking the change, and living the change, it's hard to NOT talk about it, share it and write about it.

I've written about smart finances before. Including:

Over 25 and Single?

My New $$ Creed to Live By

Slick Plastic Bondage

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