Online Dating Questions and Answers:
(or in this case, a response to a comment):
"I find other women being too good for anyone and way too concerned with
individuality and appearing to be more like a prize than an equal
- Mike, 32
It might help if you remember that this generation of women dating right
now were raised on Disney Princess stories and all imagine they're
deserving the fairy tale life that they grew up thinking could be/should
be reality. No previous generation if women had that level of
expectations engrained into them. Each one believing they are "special
and uniquely valuable just the way they are".
The goal might
have been to help girls grow up with self-esteem and avoid abusive
relationships, but I think it's created unrealistic expectations about
"not settling" regardless of how much or little the women have to offer.
So what IS realistic? Let's make a list.
Unrealistic expectations in relationships will leave you disappointed, these are the 8 expectations you should avoid for a better relationship.